Meanwhile at the VA Dementia Ward

2 people

Que Será, Será

A woman came to sing for the residents today and with great energy she got smiles from those awake and woke up some that were submerged.

There is a new woman resident who seems quite old. She likes to engage with people but confusion often results. Today when I walked in she was holding a full sized baby doll and rocking it in her arms. I wondered if it was motherhood she was going back to or to her own childhood when she held a doll.

Then there is the fellow who looks like an attorney or a CEO of a Fortune 500 firm. If you put him in the right suit and put him at a conference table on Wall Street he would look just right. He observes everything going on with a wise look, but he can’t talk. He looks around looking wise but we can’t tell what is going on.

My guy was very excited about the music and sang along to every song. And when she held the microphone to him he sang loud and clear.

The singer even roused my Jewish buddy from his slumber and he smiled and waved her closer.

I walked back to my car singing the last song she did; Que Será, Será.
