Before visiting my guy, today, I engaged in very nasty and dumb fight with one of my oldest and dearest friends, a guy I love like a brother.
So with that hanging over me, I went to see my guy.
We wheeled out into the sunlight and I asked if the sun felt good. He sang “Sunlight On My Shoulder Makes Me Happy” by John Denver.
So we settled down with iPhone and speaker to listen to some music and John Denver was in today’s spotlight, from Country Roads to Annie’s Song; the two of us off in the corner of the courtyard singing along at high volume.
After a while he said, “Move?”
I said with or without music? He said “With”.
So we ambled about singing along, and soon switched to our standard, Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver. Perfect harmonies, flawless playing.
Here is our religious Vietnam vet with his deeply atheist Jewish buddy singing southern gospel songs, outloud, to the world. In short, an American scene.
On the way back inside someone said I was a good friend to do these visits with my guy.
I said I had acted like such a fool earlier today that this time with him was a gift to me, of peace.