Rain on Snow

I realize that rain splattered snow on your front porch might not evoke feelings of joy in you, but I found the pattern utterly lovely and felt the need to share it.
Patches the Pig in the Snow

I feel kinda bad taking joy at the obvious consternation that Patches the Painted Pig is expressing. Patches lives on my front lawn, sharing it with other sculptures and 11 wild turkeys. Today Patches seemed so annoyed by having snow on his head that I was amused and decided to elevate his reaction to a […]
Turkeys at My Door

I am aware that, for most people, having turkeys standing on your front porch, knocking on your door, demanding food, and pooping on your deck would not be a cause for Joy. But they make me smile every time. Big, goofy birds. They come running from all over the neighborhood when I come out to […]
Leaf Visitors

Christmas day walk: I stopped to admire a leaf in snow on ice when I noticed that a fellow creature has also passed by. Season’s greetins’.
Hemingway’s Cat

Here I am wondering why I have published few Moments of Joy this year. Maybe because the weight of the endless election season and a variety of overseas nightmares weighed everything down. But I think more likely is the fact that so many of my actual moments of joy have come from interactions with my […]

Not a bubbling over moment of joy, just a quiet one. But that one cloud demanded a photo and I was hardly going to refuse.
For Sythia

It’s just the total absurd purity of screaming yellow forsythia against a dazzling blue sky. I can remember when, as a little boy, I could not say the word “forsythia” without slowing down and being careful to avoid lisping it. And also, I have never met a woman named Sythia, but if there is one […]
Supermarket Joy #33

For some reason it’s often the supermarket where I observe people experiencing moments of joy and where they transmit joy to me. Today, which is April Fool’s Day was such a day. This morning it occurred to me to place a Facebook post saying “All is right with the world, everywhere. April Fools.” But I […]
Doggie Joy

Been too long since a Moment of Joy penetrated my shell, but it happened this morning. During workout class, with all of us on the floor doing some sort of exercise, in walks a dog with the owner of the biz. Dogs love it when people get down on the floor with them, and here […]
Painted Afternoon

Sitting under a tree painting the blank white parts of my latest sculpture with whichever pattern comes to be. It is sunny with gentle breezes, birds singing. I am so fortunate as to be able to spend most of this perfect day sitting in the dappled shade dappling my sculpture with unexpected color patterns. It […]