Climate Change Politics
Few scientific issues are political, but climate change is super-political. In this video I look
This video series started out as a way to bridge the gap between red and blue by looking at basic issues. For example, the Social Security video admits that the program is in some sense paternalistic, but is better than stepping over old, homeless people who failed to save for retirement.
I registered as a Facebook political advertiser (with enormous help from a guru) and spent thousands of dollars of my and my friend’s money to place these video ads in swing states.
But as the election went along I found that Trump’s positions and handling of COVID were so outrageous that the project shifted from one of understanding the red point of view to pure attacks on Trump.
Trump lost that election. (If you are wondering, I might claim credit for switching perhaps 7 votes nationwide. No way to ever know.)
In the 2024 election I decided not to be a Lone Ranger, but to join forces with sophisticated Democratic grassroots organizations. I built a number of websites for them. We know how this one turned out.
So these old videos remain, and here I present the ones here that I think still have value.
As of this December, 2024, I have no idea how this country will move forward during another Trump administration. I see him as a racist, rapist, treasonous, compulsive liar, who was elected by a slim, but real majority of the popular vote.
I foresee a train wreck and don’t know what to hope for.
Few scientific issues are political, but climate change is super-political. In this video I look
No question that the EPA has gone overboard at times. But are the current administration’s
Here is my take on healthcare, which has been a bitter and divisive issue for
I have seen people upset when problems about our country are brought up, which I
I really did understand Trump’s call to make America great again, to go back to
Here is my take on the Postal Service, which is another thing the GOP keeps
Here is my take on Social Security, which has been endorsed in the past by
I try to look at each issue in the most balanced way I can, respecting