Postal Service

Postal Service

Here is my take on the Postal Service, which is another thing the GOP keeps wanting to privatize. To me, this is a great reason to vote blue. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:

Environment and the EPA


No question that the EPA has gone overboard at times. But are the current administration’s efforts to reform it the right way to go? Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:

Health Care


Here is my take on healthcare, which has been a bitter and divisive issue for years – and will continue to be so. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:

Why The Purple?

why purple

I try to look at each issue in the most balanced way I can, respecting the point of view of people on both “sides”. Which means try to start neither red, nor blue, but in between, which is purple. Do I always end up blue? You will have to watch the videos to see. Here […]

Climate Change Politics

Loving Our Country

Few scientific issues are political, but climate change is super-political. In this video I look at why this might be… You can view and even download this video here:  and share wherever you like. And if you have not seen it, I highly recommend the video of Merchants of Doubt, and the book.

Make America Great Again?


I really did understand Trump’s call to make America great again, to go back to a simpler and seemingly better time. But you can’t go back, and when you look more closely you find that perhaps you don’t really want to. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, […]

Loving Our Country

Loving Our Country

I have seen people upset when problems about our country are brought up, which I understand. But I think that in order to get past some of these issues we need to acknowledge them. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:

Social Security

talking about Social Security

Here is my take on Social Security, which has been endorsed in the past by both parties, but today the GOP is making more and more noise about privatizing it. To me, this is one huge reason to vote blue. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or […]